From the Steering Board Committee
On September 25, the Steering board of the Oil & Gas Reinvented Community gathered to discuss the next event on November 9, 2017 on The Hydrogen Economy. This event will take place at Shell Technology Center Amsterdam, and since the registration has opened, already over 65 people have registered. This clearly shows the expected important role of hydrogen in the future energy system.
For decarbonizing our gas system for heating, potentially for clean mobility, but above all to reduce the carbon footprint of the energy intensive industries, such as steel, cement, glass production and chemical industry. But also the industry where hydrogen is a feedstock, such as the fertilizer industry can benefit van green hydrogen as an alternative for grey hydrogen, produced from natural gas.
Hydrogen can also serve as an important energy storage option for intermittent renewable production of electricity from solar and wind power, when the power is converted to hydrogen via electrolysis. This might even create options for reuse of offshore depleted gas fields and pipelines to store and transport large volumes of energy produced offshore in the future.
However, technology improvement is needed to reduce the costs of a hydrogen economy, in particular related to the performance of electrolysers. The event in Amsterdam will update us all on the progress in this field and look at the future potential of Hydrogen. The event will also be used to present the progress in the areas of Georthermal Energy, Offshore Energy, Young Professionals and Digital Oil and Gas in the working group sessions in the afternoon.
And as a special feature, the Young Professionals have been working on the business case for the energy transition, and the best ideas will be presented in the form of a pitch during the evening session.
The steering group will discuss the future ambitions and activities of the Oil and Gas Reinvented Community during our annual strategy meeting, to be held at October 17 2017 at Shell Technology Center Amsterdam. We will discuss our ambitions, but also the interconnections with other initiatives on the energy transition in the Netherlands and how to maximise the effectiveness and potential collaborations.
In the meanwhile, do not forget to update your profile in the membership site of oilandgasreinvented.com, and link up to our LinkedIn group for the Oil & Gas Reinvented Community, we have over 500 members in our community and over 100 in our LinkedIn group now!
Regards, on behalf of the steering group,
Rene Peters