From the steering Board Committee
Dear ERC member,
From the Steering Committee’s meeting 7 September. Looking forward to our upcoming community meeting on 8 October, we jointly assessed the COVID-19 scenarios, the Corona measures at our location NBC Nieuwegein – and our virtual alternative scenario.
We will proceed with our meeting in NBC unless new outbreaks take pace and/or new Government measures come into force. Although NBC allows for groups up to 300 people, we will limit our event to 150 participants. Our 2020 theme Crossing Bridges deals with the Heat Transition, the most unknown and underexposed challenge to replace natural gas. The built environment, horticulture and industry will all be touched by the heat transition.
We have excellent speakers and panelists for the plenary sessions, and the working groups will all reconvene. In October the Steering Committee will brainstorm about the 2021 theme and programme. In preparation we will have so called virtual living room meetings with invited members to ask for their ideas. So if you are invited, please join the session and tell us about your wishes.
Last but not least: if you have registered for 8 October and you don’t feel well because of a cold, please stay home and we will compensate for the fee at the next event.
On behalf of the Steering Committee,
René Peters | Ewald Breunesse | Jan Prins | Barthold Schroot