You are invited by FME for their side-event 'Project 6-25' during the European Industry & Energy Summit on Tuesday December 10th and Wednesday December 11th.
Because you are invited by FME you can attend the rest of the summit for free.
The summit starts on December 10th with a plenary session in the morning including keynotes from among others André Faaij (Director of Science TNO Energy Transition), Jurgen Hoekstra (Managing Director BASF Benelux) and Magnus Hall (CEO Vattenfall).
The summit aims to inform, inspire, connect and activate the participants on energy and resource transitions.

The event offers a variety of meetings:
Cases: partners present their inspiring user cases in interactive break-outs
Talks: in talks of ten minutes, experts will give their inspiring vision on the energy transition
Round tables: partners discuss specific solutions with the energy transition in small groups
Side-events about a.o. Crossing borders in hydrogen, Chemical recycling of plastics and Carbon capture, usage and storage.
You can register for your personal program via the button below.
We look forward to meeting you at the European Industry & Energy Summit.

Kind regards,
Team European Industry & Energy Summit
Because you are invited by FME you can attend the rest of the summit for free.
The summit starts on December 10th with a plenary session in the morning including keynotes from among others André Faaij (Director of Science TNO Energy Transition), Jurgen Hoekstra (Managing Director BASF Benelux) and Magnus Hall (CEO Vattenfall).
The summit aims to inform, inspire, connect and activate the participants on energy and resource transitions.

The event offers a variety of meetings:
Cases: partners present their inspiring user cases in interactive break-outs
Talks: in talks of ten minutes, experts will give their inspiring vision on the energy transition
Round tables: partners discuss specific solutions with the energy transition in small groups
Side-events about a.o. Crossing borders in hydrogen, Chemical recycling of plastics and Carbon capture, usage and storage.
You can register for your personal program via the button below.
We look forward to meeting you at the European Industry & Energy Summit.

Kind regards,
Team European Industry & Energy Summit