Master Class Energy Storage by Energy Delta
Enhancing Flexibility in Future North-West European Energy Systems
To meet our energy demand in the future, our energy mix will require both electrons and green molecules. It is probable that in 2050 green molecules have a share of 50% in this mix.
For the North Sea region, this implies the placement of electrons via large offshore windfarms that have joint capacity of 180GW. The integration of this large stream of renewable energy, combined with an additional 80GW onshore wind power, will provide a challenge for the existing energy system. According to Wind Europe (2016) wind energy producers already pay balancing costs in most Member States, and these service cost might grow as installed renewable capacity increases.
Energy storages are the Holy Grail for the provision of balancing and ancillary services in future energy systems. For instance, Roland Berger (2017) shows the existence of storage needs in Germany and the UK, whereas balancing needs for France, Belgium and The Netherlands are also growing quickly.
However, a main question regarding the business case of energy storages is the location and type of these facilities concerning their final demand (either electrons or molecules).
Should we locate storage facilities near the source of production in order to balance and optimize midstream and downstream energy systems? Alternatively, we could opt for storage solutions as closest to the final customer.
The Energy Storage Masterclass will deepen your understanding of the type and role storages facilities in the current and future energy system, thereby taking into account the distribution of electron vs. molecule demand.
Moreover, we will discuss the merit-streams, incl. balancing services and pricing arbitrage, of underground gas storages, batteries and power-to-gas.
The masterclass takes place from the 20-22 November in Groningen.
For more information about the programme, please check out our website: https://www.energydelta.org/mainmenu/executive-education/specific-programmes/energy-storage-course
To meet our energy demand in the future, our energy mix will require both electrons and green molecules. It is probable that in 2050 green molecules have a share of 50% in this mix.
For the North Sea region, this implies the placement of electrons via large offshore windfarms that have joint capacity of 180GW. The integration of this large stream of renewable energy, combined with an additional 80GW onshore wind power, will provide a challenge for the existing energy system. According to Wind Europe (2016) wind energy producers already pay balancing costs in most Member States, and these service cost might grow as installed renewable capacity increases.
Energy storages are the Holy Grail for the provision of balancing and ancillary services in future energy systems. For instance, Roland Berger (2017) shows the existence of storage needs in Germany and the UK, whereas balancing needs for France, Belgium and The Netherlands are also growing quickly.
However, a main question regarding the business case of energy storages is the location and type of these facilities concerning their final demand (either electrons or molecules).
Should we locate storage facilities near the source of production in order to balance and optimize midstream and downstream energy systems? Alternatively, we could opt for storage solutions as closest to the final customer.
The Energy Storage Masterclass will deepen your understanding of the type and role storages facilities in the current and future energy system, thereby taking into account the distribution of electron vs. molecule demand.
Moreover, we will discuss the merit-streams, incl. balancing services and pricing arbitrage, of underground gas storages, batteries and power-to-gas.
The masterclass takes place from the 20-22 November in Groningen.
For more information about the programme, please check out our website: https://www.energydelta.org/mainmenu/executive-education/specific-programmes/energy-storage-course