Oil and Gas Reinvented Community, Report Event
The Hydrogen Economy is emerging and could be playing a major role in the transition to a carbon neutral energy system in 2050. Muscle and dedication of some key industries will be needed, however, to accelerate the technological innovation and attract the necessary investment to scale-up production and increase the employability of hydrogen in our societies. These were some of the conclusions during the 10th event of the Oil & Gas Reinvented Community on Thursday 9 November 2017 in Amsterdam.
During the afternoon and evening program, the debate centered around the question whether hydrogen can redeem its promise as a breakthrough energy solution. The program offered new insights into some of the most important aspects of this emerging economy. Professionals and stakeholders reviewed general trends and examined some promising business perspectives. The successful implementation of Power-2-Gas technologies, for example, would render major synergies possible between offshore, chemical, mobility, and distribution sectors and could lead to a hydrogen economy of scale.
Several guest speakers emphasised, therefore, that hydrogen’s opportunities should be capitalised by bringing the right people together and forging new coalitions and partnerships across industries. “The oil and gas sector has to invest to build the capacity for producing hydrogen and shipping hydrogen around the world”, according to Ad van Wijk (TU Delft). Marcel Galjee of AkzoNobel added that “companies will need to work closely together to build these new value chains of tomorrow”.
We would like to thank all speakers, working groups, members, and participants for sharing their insights and perspectives. Please get in touch with us in case you have remarks or would like to contribute to our website. We are keen to improve your experience and grow an even stronger community!
During the afternoon and evening program, the debate centered around the question whether hydrogen can redeem its promise as a breakthrough energy solution. The program offered new insights into some of the most important aspects of this emerging economy. Professionals and stakeholders reviewed general trends and examined some promising business perspectives. The successful implementation of Power-2-Gas technologies, for example, would render major synergies possible between offshore, chemical, mobility, and distribution sectors and could lead to a hydrogen economy of scale.
Several guest speakers emphasised, therefore, that hydrogen’s opportunities should be capitalised by bringing the right people together and forging new coalitions and partnerships across industries. “The oil and gas sector has to invest to build the capacity for producing hydrogen and shipping hydrogen around the world”, according to Ad van Wijk (TU Delft). Marcel Galjee of AkzoNobel added that “companies will need to work closely together to build these new value chains of tomorrow”.
We would like to thank all speakers, working groups, members, and participants for sharing their insights and perspectives. Please get in touch with us in case you have remarks or would like to contribute to our website. We are keen to improve your experience and grow an even stronger community!