ONLINE EVENT 20 MAY: WEC Virtual conference
Thursday 20 May 2021 - Virtual 8.30 - 10.15 hrs
Only several days after the launch of the 2020 WEC report in March last year, Europe and the World entered the COVID-19 lockdowns. The carefully crafted and detailed scenarios of the ‘Phasing Out Carbon’ report looked irrelevant...
Therefore this year’s WEC report starts with the macroeconomic impact of the 2020 developments on Europe’s north-western region, highlighting how the momentum gained in the rebound years of 2020 – 2022. To share the most important insights of our analyses we are inviting you to our webinar ‘About black swans and green futures’ on 20 May 2021.
Together with a group of experts we will look into how productivity growth could affect the energy landscape and further accelerate the energy transition as well as how changing energy demand might change other aspects of the energy value chain. What kind of technology and innovations could support this? How did the policy space change due to COVID-19 and what kind of policy changes could help achieve a higher and more efficient growth?
If we make sure to use the rebound year properly, we could make the NWE economy more resilient and put us on a stairway to higher productivity. A high productivity that is driven by a green response and digitalisation. A variety of interesting topics, so we hope to welcome you in this webinar.
We look forward to meeting you virtually on 20 May.
08.30 Opening and Welcome
by moderator Sonja van Renssen (Energy and environment journalist)
08.35 Key takeaways of this year’s WEC report
by Jan Willem Velthuijsen (PwC)
09.00 Key note speech
by David Hone (Chief Climate Change Advisor, Shell Scenarios)
09.15 Panel discussion on 5 topics
by Catrinus Jepma (NEC), René Peters (TNO), Jan Willem Velthuijsen (PwC), Marcel van de Kar (Vopak), Martine Hoeksma (Shell) and Thijs Slot (DNV)
10.00 Q&A
10.10 Wrap up & closure