On June 27, the 15th Oil and Gas Reinvented Community event was held at the RDM Campus in Rotterdam with a focus on the challenges on energy transition in the North Sea with the subtitle ‘’from our back yard to the North Sea.’’
Embracing the energy transition is the theme of the OGRC in 2019, and this is remarkably also valid for the North Sea. The energy transition at the North Sea from oil and gas towards offshore wind can only be successful If all stakeholders agree on a balanced transition where there is equal focus on the North Sea as a source of energy, food and ecological value.
This event focused on the various stakeholders at the North Sea and how in the future integrated thinking is required to enable a smooth transition. In the afternoon, moderated by Jan Douwe Kroeske, Joris Koorneef and Ellen van der Veer of TNO showed how busy the North Sea already is now and even more in the future. Also, the new energy atlas was launched which shows all the energy infrastructure in place and under development. The potential for macroalgae and seaweed was discussed by Koen van Swam of the North Sea farm (‘’Noordzeeboerderij’’).
A lot of interest in the breakout sessions on Offshore Energy, Digital Oil and Gas and Community Engagement was on frontrunners, with new ideas and innovative thinking in unexpected combinations. This concept was introduced in the Community Engagement working group, and lead to inspiring discussions and food for thought for future sessions.

The difference in thinking between the UK and NL was expressed by Huub van Rooijen of The Crown Estate. While the UK market often goes for the ‘’menu of the day’’, the Dutch offers ‘’a la carte’’. This creates options for breakthrough and unexpected combinations between various stakeholders on the North Sea, such as seaweed production in wind parks, or hydrogen production from offshore wind on gas platforms.
The major of the North Sea, Mariken Betsema presented her reflections of one year major, ‘’what a job!’’ and offered the results of a primary school project to the developer of the Noordzee Agreement, Jacques Wallage. Since he was unable to be present, participant of that dialog, Jo Peters, secretary general of NOGEPA accepted the children’s drawings with their view on the future of the North Sea.
In a lively panel discussion, the need for more spatial planning at the North Sea was discussed with Jacqueline Vaessen of NexStep, Jan Busstra of the Min. of I&W, Gijs van der Boomen of KuiperCompagnons and Koen van Swam of the North Sea Farm. A duo-interview with Han Fennema (CEO Gasunie) and Manon van Beek (CEO TenneT) about integrating Molecules and Electrons concluded this event.
All presentations as well as a summary video of the day and the photos taken, can be found at our website by using your personal login code under FORUM AND select EVENTS.
The next event will take place:
In the meanwhile, don’t forget to update your profile (if you have any changes) in the membership site and link up to our LinkedIn group for Oil and Gas Reinvented, we now have over 1000 members globally in our community.
Embracing the energy transition is the theme of the OGRC in 2019, and this is remarkably also valid for the North Sea. The energy transition at the North Sea from oil and gas towards offshore wind can only be successful If all stakeholders agree on a balanced transition where there is equal focus on the North Sea as a source of energy, food and ecological value.
This event focused on the various stakeholders at the North Sea and how in the future integrated thinking is required to enable a smooth transition. In the afternoon, moderated by Jan Douwe Kroeske, Joris Koorneef and Ellen van der Veer of TNO showed how busy the North Sea already is now and even more in the future. Also, the new energy atlas was launched which shows all the energy infrastructure in place and under development. The potential for macroalgae and seaweed was discussed by Koen van Swam of the North Sea farm (‘’Noordzeeboerderij’’).
A lot of interest in the breakout sessions on Offshore Energy, Digital Oil and Gas and Community Engagement was on frontrunners, with new ideas and innovative thinking in unexpected combinations. This concept was introduced in the Community Engagement working group, and lead to inspiring discussions and food for thought for future sessions.

The difference in thinking between the UK and NL was expressed by Huub van Rooijen of The Crown Estate. While the UK market often goes for the ‘’menu of the day’’, the Dutch offers ‘’a la carte’’. This creates options for breakthrough and unexpected combinations between various stakeholders on the North Sea, such as seaweed production in wind parks, or hydrogen production from offshore wind on gas platforms.
The major of the North Sea, Mariken Betsema presented her reflections of one year major, ‘’what a job!’’ and offered the results of a primary school project to the developer of the Noordzee Agreement, Jacques Wallage. Since he was unable to be present, participant of that dialog, Jo Peters, secretary general of NOGEPA accepted the children’s drawings with their view on the future of the North Sea.
In a lively panel discussion, the need for more spatial planning at the North Sea was discussed with Jacqueline Vaessen of NexStep, Jan Busstra of the Min. of I&W, Gijs van der Boomen of KuiperCompagnons and Koen van Swam of the North Sea Farm. A duo-interview with Han Fennema (CEO Gasunie) and Manon van Beek (CEO TenneT) about integrating Molecules and Electrons concluded this event.
All presentations as well as a summary video of the day and the photos taken, can be found at our website by using your personal login code under FORUM AND select EVENTS.
The next event will take place:
In the meanwhile, don’t forget to update your profile (if you have any changes) in the membership site and link up to our LinkedIn group for Oil and Gas Reinvented, we now have over 1000 members globally in our community.