Webinars 'How do we make the Netherlands natural gas-free?
15 and 22 November and 10 December 2018
Making our country natural gas-free is a rigorous step and part of the transition to a fully sustainable energy supply in 2050. That is why ECN part of TNO is organising a series of three webinars on natural gas-free neighbourhoods, in which each webinar highlights a different subject. See below for more info about the webinars and signing up.
New buildings will no longer have a natural gas connection. In order for existing neighbourhoods to switch to a different, sustainable energy source, residents, municipalities and businesses need to join forces in a new way. Municipalities play a central role as catalysts and directors. They need to work closely with their citizens, businesses and other stakeholders, with consumer choice at the forefront. In addition, it is also about the costs. Who will pay for it? The amounts being touted to make existing homes energy-neutral are still very high. What are the alternatives to natural gas? The more that neighbourhoods switch from natural gas, the better and cheaper the technology will become. We have also seen this with solar panels, batteries and wind energy.
15 November 3 pm: Neighbourhood approach, role of municipalities and government support: Weighing the decisions
Involving citizens closely in the energy transition of their neighbourhood is crucial. There is already a lot of resistance in society. People feel that it will be imposed on them, that it will cost them a lot of money. All this can be done much better; informing residents well and offering them the prospect of affordable solutions. Gradually switching from natural gas to other sources of energy will only be possible if consumers, construction companies, installation engineers, the energy sector, municipalities and central government work together in a different way. Casper Tigchelaar and Annelies Huygen of TNO will discuss the decision-making process and who, what, when and how to do it on the basis of integrated technical, policy and behavioural scientific knowledge and prognoses.
22 November 3 pm: More sustainable energy, less subsidy: Geothermal heat, seasonal storage and heat grids
All owners and users of homes and other buildings in our country must have access to 100% sustainable heat by 2050 at the latest; reliable and affordable. A combination of geothermal energy, residual heat, heat storage and intelligent heat grids offers opportunities to replace natural gas as a heat source for households and businesses. Maurice Hanegraaf of ECN part of TNO explains how the production of sustainable geothermal heat in our country can grow from 3 petajoules (PJ) now to 50 PJ per year in 2030 and even more than 200 PJ in 2050. To achieve this, ECN part of TNO is working on a new approach to accelerate the development of geothermal energy. It focuses on higher production and lower risks, and therefore a better business case, of geothermal projects. To speed up the search for geothermal heat locations, ECN part of TNO has developed a geothermal information system: ThermoGIS. This system enables government and industry to link the supply and demand of this form of sustainable energy.
10 December 3 pm: Making sustainability affordable for residents: Industrialising renovations
All kinds of new concepts and business models are being created to renovate entire streets and neighbourhoods in one go. That is much cheaper than individual solutions. If we start renovating on an industrial scale, the costs will fall considerably. The investments in these innovations can then be recouped much more quickly. Savings of one thousand euros per home will yield around six billion euros for the Netherlands as a whole. But TNO expects that this can be multiplied. The quality of the delivered product will be one of the decisive factors in determining whether this upscaling, and with it the energy transition in the built environment, will succeed. During this webinar with Huub Keizers and Wouter Borsboom of TNO, the latest developments will be discussed and it will become clear what needs to be done to enable the accelerated renovation of up to 1000 homes/day in the Netherlands to meet the climate ambitions.
See you at the webinars.
Note: These are Dutch spoken webinars.
Making our country natural gas-free is a rigorous step and part of the transition to a fully sustainable energy supply in 2050. That is why ECN part of TNO is organising a series of three webinars on natural gas-free neighbourhoods, in which each webinar highlights a different subject. See below for more info about the webinars and signing up.
New buildings will no longer have a natural gas connection. In order for existing neighbourhoods to switch to a different, sustainable energy source, residents, municipalities and businesses need to join forces in a new way. Municipalities play a central role as catalysts and directors. They need to work closely with their citizens, businesses and other stakeholders, with consumer choice at the forefront. In addition, it is also about the costs. Who will pay for it? The amounts being touted to make existing homes energy-neutral are still very high. What are the alternatives to natural gas? The more that neighbourhoods switch from natural gas, the better and cheaper the technology will become. We have also seen this with solar panels, batteries and wind energy.
15 November 3 pm: Neighbourhood approach, role of municipalities and government support: Weighing the decisions
Involving citizens closely in the energy transition of their neighbourhood is crucial. There is already a lot of resistance in society. People feel that it will be imposed on them, that it will cost them a lot of money. All this can be done much better; informing residents well and offering them the prospect of affordable solutions. Gradually switching from natural gas to other sources of energy will only be possible if consumers, construction companies, installation engineers, the energy sector, municipalities and central government work together in a different way. Casper Tigchelaar and Annelies Huygen of TNO will discuss the decision-making process and who, what, when and how to do it on the basis of integrated technical, policy and behavioural scientific knowledge and prognoses.
22 November 3 pm: More sustainable energy, less subsidy: Geothermal heat, seasonal storage and heat grids
All owners and users of homes and other buildings in our country must have access to 100% sustainable heat by 2050 at the latest; reliable and affordable. A combination of geothermal energy, residual heat, heat storage and intelligent heat grids offers opportunities to replace natural gas as a heat source for households and businesses. Maurice Hanegraaf of ECN part of TNO explains how the production of sustainable geothermal heat in our country can grow from 3 petajoules (PJ) now to 50 PJ per year in 2030 and even more than 200 PJ in 2050. To achieve this, ECN part of TNO is working on a new approach to accelerate the development of geothermal energy. It focuses on higher production and lower risks, and therefore a better business case, of geothermal projects. To speed up the search for geothermal heat locations, ECN part of TNO has developed a geothermal information system: ThermoGIS. This system enables government and industry to link the supply and demand of this form of sustainable energy.
10 December 3 pm: Making sustainability affordable for residents: Industrialising renovations
All kinds of new concepts and business models are being created to renovate entire streets and neighbourhoods in one go. That is much cheaper than individual solutions. If we start renovating on an industrial scale, the costs will fall considerably. The investments in these innovations can then be recouped much more quickly. Savings of one thousand euros per home will yield around six billion euros for the Netherlands as a whole. But TNO expects that this can be multiplied. The quality of the delivered product will be one of the decisive factors in determining whether this upscaling, and with it the energy transition in the built environment, will succeed. During this webinar with Huub Keizers and Wouter Borsboom of TNO, the latest developments will be discussed and it will become clear what needs to be done to enable the accelerated renovation of up to 1000 homes/day in the Netherlands to meet the climate ambitions.
See you at the webinars.
Note: These are Dutch spoken webinars.