The next Energy Reinvented Community event is here!
We kindly ask you to save the date for the upcoming event from the Energy Reinvented Community. After launching the new name and position of our Community in November last year, we now bring you:
technological, economic and societal developments
impacting the energy transition.
Wednesday, 4 March 2020, Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Afternoon from 13:00 – 16:30h
Evening from 18:00 – 21:30h
A walking dinner is offered in between the two sessions from 16:45 - 17:45h.
Participation fee: €75.
(free membership of the ERC is required)
Sign up now, as there is limited capacity!
Deadline for registration ends on Wednesday 26 February 2020.
This event is the first in a series of three events within the overall 2020 annual theme of Crossing Bridges. In three main events we will address opportunities, spark ideas and discuss the required innovation and solutions that will connect the current and the future energy system, bring the Industries, energy & utility sector and communities together, align the energy sector with industry hubs, and bridge between generations.
In the afternoon we will open the event with an introduction to the energy transition in the heat space, touching upon areas such as geothermal energy and re-use of industrial heat. Thereafter, we will get together to discuss and work on recent developments in the regular Working Group meetings of the Community, such as Offshore Energy, Community Engagement, CCUS and Digital Energy. Also, the new Working Group Heat, will come together for their first meeting.
In the evening program (inter)national speakers will share their views addressing the bigger societal, technological and economic developments that will impact the energy transition towards a low-carbon energy system. In an inspiring setting we will look beyond horizons: engaging, thought-provoking discussions about opportunities and game changers that enable contemporary and future energy solutions in accelerating a successful transition towards an accepted, reliable, clean and affordable energy system.
Keynote speakers confirmed are Prof.Jos Keurentjes (TU Twente), Ellen Kroijmans (SBM Offshore), Albena Vassileva (ABN Amro), Wilfried Pimenta (IOTA), Mark Wesselink (WesselinkVanZijst), Bramske van Beijma (BAM), Arne-Christian Voigt (Volkswagen AG), Hans van de Spek (FME) and others.
Make sure to sign up to this event and head over to our LinkedIn page and FORUM (membership required) to start the discussion on this topic!
Please note that we ask a participation fee of €75.